Ctrl+h in Notion
Introduction I like Notion, I'm using it for quite along time. But one thing that I dislike is the lack of emacs-like keybinding. Dropbox…
ー 2020.12.22
My Alfred Workflows.
Introduction Alfred is one of my favorite productivity tool. It's a launcher for MacOS, used by many people as a replacement of Spotlight…
ー 2020.05.06
Hammerspoon to improve Developer Experience.
Introduction I have came across many window manager, using from ShiftIt, Spectacle, Rectangle, slatejs, yabai, and more, but so far…
ー 2020.05.03
Kindle Oasis boosting my reading productivity.
Recently I bought Kindle Oasis. It was the best thing I bought during 2019. It has boosted my reading productivity and I read a lot of books…
ー 2020.01.14
2019 © Kazushi Kawamura.